High Quality Local Talent
- Matt Zaske
- November 18, 2019
- 2 minutes
Haven't had a more personal post for a while (hope to rectify that in the next few weeks as I've got some stuff queued up), but it seemed fitting to give a short tribute/shout out to some of our regional performance art talent.
Two Weekends, Two Great Events
Up at the our little theater on the prairie, we had the great fortune of hosting two performance art events over two consecutive weekends. The first was a rental agreement with a regional artist who has pulled together yet another great little history lesson. Paulette Friday and her cast of musical aficionados closed their run of "Prairie Shadows," a show of stories and songs of the prairie pioneers, at Roosevelt Hall. As I've come to learn from her previous productions, it's a great little set of stories mixed with period music. This show did not fail, and I can only hope and wait for to hear of her next artistic spin.
This last weekend we hosted Chuck Suchy and David Stoddard in a concert event. They have both played at Roosevelt Hall more than once before, and as expected it was a wonderful two-and-a-half hours of music. These gentlemen are great artists, and David's piano abilities are simply fantastic. I could listen to him play all day.
To make things even better, the cost for an individual to attend both of these performances was only $25! This is an amazing deal and completely supports local/regional artists.
Moar Theatre!
In addition, it's educational theatre season! We had the opportunity to take in the UMN Morris production of Julius Caesar late last week, and this upcoming week will be the Morris Area fall musical.
Lots of opportunities to catch great local talent and art! You won't be disappointed!
Headline image via giphy